This is for those who can't decide on what to do or eat. This website uses Yelp API to find activities and restaurants.
In DevelopmentA place where you can keep track of your TV shows and Movies. This website uses The Movie Database (TMDb) API to retrieve TV Shows and Movies.
ExploreThis is a memory game that requires you to remember a sequence of shapes and remake the sequence after the timer runs out.
GitHubHelped create HTML templates for content management system (CMS), Neartuit, as part of a team industry project during my last term at BCIT.
Link to their siteThis iOS app has selected mystery radio shows from 40's and 50's that you can listen to at any time. This app was written in Swift 3 and uses resources.
GitHubThis Android app helps you determine what you alcoholic drinks you can make with the ingredients you have. This was made during my third term at BCIT as part of a group project.
GitHubThis is an endless runner game for iOS that revovles around a dude running through the outskirts of town. This was made during my last term at BCIT as part of a group project.